Basic Usage =========== .. _resource_query_commands: Resource Query Commands ----------------------- The CLI provides two useful commands for listing and inspecting resources in the OpenShift installation. Get ~~~ The ``get`` command displays a list of a particular resource type, along with some basic summary information on each entry. The desired resource type is specified as an argument to the ``get`` call and the output will vary based on the type of resource being queried. The full list of resource types can be found by calling ``oc get`` with no arguments. For example, retrieving the list of :term:`image stream` resources will display tagging and repository information:: $ oc get is NAME DOCKER REPO TAGS UPDATED python-web latest 2 hours ago Retrieving the list of services, however, displays information on the associated IP addresses and ports:: $ oc get services 1 ↵ NAME CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE python-web 8080/TCP 2h Describe ~~~~~~~~ The ``describe`` command is used to retrieve specific details on a particular resource. In addition to the resource's name, the type of resource must also be provided (in many cases, resources of different types will share the same name to ease understanding their relationship). If the resource name is omitted, details about all resources of that type are displayed (depending on your environment, the output may be very long and unwieldy). Using the image stream found above, detailed information can be displayed using:: $ oc describe is python-web Name: python-web Namespace: python-web Created: 2 hours ago Labels: app=python-web Annotations: Docker Pull Spec: Unique Images: 1 Tags: 1 latest tagged from jdob/python-web * jdob/python-web@sha256:3f87be1825405ee8c7da23d7a6916090ecbb2d6e7b04fcd0fd1dc194173d2bc0 2 hours ago As with ``get``, the output will vary based on the type of resource being described. .. _routes: Routes ------ TODO Remote Shell into a Container ----------------------------- TODO Copying Files into a Running Container -------------------------------------- TODO